Do you know, a miss call can help you acquire a potential customers? If not let us help you introduce with MissDial. MissDial is a miss call service platform offered by Cozy Vision Technologies Pvt. Ltd. that comprises of a unique analytical, customer management tools to simplify various facets of promotional campaigns for SME and Enterprise segment companies. MissDial is a leading miss call service provider in India, headquartered in Delhi.

Miss call service helps you collect leads in an organised and systematic manner round the clock, even when you are asleep, or busy with personal stuff. Traditionally a miss call is a signal to indicate something, MissDial helps to identify this signal, and converts it to a meaningful data. Whether it is collecting leads, capturing feedback, voting, etc. MissDial fits every aspect of marketing and promotional activities through its unique miss call analytic service.

To be simple and precise MissDial simply converts any call coming to a number let it be a 10 digit number or a toll free number into a missed call and sends an automated sms or email to the caller acknowledging the missed call. Miss call service can be used for various purposes including customer engagement retention, inclusion and many more.

Miss call service not only solves this problem, but also stores the database of leads which can be further re-targetted. With MissDial’s miss call service you get a unique number which you can use on your various marketing tools and platforms. MissDial can even measure ROI of your various promotional campaigns and mediums.

Capturing leads can never been so easy without miss call service. You can promote your miss call number anywhere you want including SMS, Emailers, Social Media, Blogs, Google AdWords, etc.

Miss call service is especially tailored to fit among the Indian market, where the customers are very price conscious. They do not want to spent even a penny at least in enquiring about a product or service. Customer has to just place a miss call to a particular number, and in response he gets a call back from sales team explaining him/her about the product or service, and guiding him to the onboarding process.

MissDial has over 7000 customers using their miss call service, and have an uptime of 99.95%.